Beginner Tanning Questions


Is indoor tanning more effective than tanning outside?

Studies show that tanning devices help you build a base tan more quickly and effectively because of the controlled environment. With a tanning device, you can maintain a session and expose your skin to a consistent level of UVA and UVB light. But when you tan outdoors, you can’t control these elements, which gives you less consistent results. Thus, a tanning machine's controlled environment makes indoor tanning a more effective way to have a glowing tan and boost Vitamin D levels.


What is the difference between indoor, outdoor, and spray tanning?

Indoor Tanning: The Ultrasun tanning devices come either lay-down or stand-up, with each variation having its own advantages. These machines are equipped with Sunfit lamps that emit UV rays. You can also control a session and expose your skin to a consistent level of UVA and UVB light. The Ultrasun tanning device will give you a stunning tan, and it also offers several benefits, such as a boost in Vitamin D levels and helping to relieve sore muscles.


Outdoor Tanning: Sun tanning, a.k.a. outdoor tanning, is where you lay out in the sun to absorb UV rays to get a tan. However, the drawback is that you can only enjoy the sun during the summer if you don’t live in a warm area. Therefore, you can’t expose your skin to consistent UV rays. Also, you can’t control the amount of UVA and UVB rays. Thus giving you an inconsistent tan.


Spray Tanning: With spray tanning, you step inside a booth in your underwear, bathing suit, or nude while a consultant uses an airbrush to spray paint on you the tan you wish to have, rather than using UV rays to produce a tan, spray tanning an array of different chemicals. One of them is Dihydroxyacetone (or DHA), a compound that changes the color of dead skin cells located within the epidermis. DHA can take several hours to show up, so most spray tans also contain a dye so that you can see immediate results. But since this is an artificial tan, you won’t enjoy the benefits of tanning, such as a boost in Vitamin D levels and countless other advantages.


Do I need a doctor’s permission to tan?

No, but if you have a pre-existing condition that you believe might affect your experience, it’s best to consult with your doctor.


I am pregnant/breastfeeding, can I still tan?

UV rays from a tanning device don’t penetrate deeper than the dermis (skin layer). So it will not affect any tissue below the surface layer of the skin. However, the main concern for pregnant people is the extra heat involved with tanning. The excessive heat coming from the device can quickly dehydrate you or make you feel ill. For this reason, we advise you to consult with a doctor before continuing or starting any tanning session. If your doctor okays your tanning regimen, speak to the tanning consultant about which units and times of day are the best for you.


Can I wear my contact lenses while I’m tanning?

You can wear your contact lenses during a tanning session, although we recommend closing your eyes and wearing protective goggles. However, if you find the heat coming from the device is causing dryness and discomfort, you may want to remove them at your next appointment.

When shouldn’t I tan?

People with skin type I: fair skin, blue eyes, freckles, and red hair shouldn’t tan. These people always burn easily and severely. But also, people who are photosensitive and take medication for it shouldn’t tan. If you aren’t sure, ask your doctor or the tanning consultant to see a list of medications that can increase the risk of overexposure. You can see a list of medications—not exhaustive—here. You should consult your doctor for answers to any questions about a drug or product you use.


Does tanning hurt?

Tanning shouldn’t hurt! If you’re in pain, you’re not adequately protected from UV rays or reacting to a chemical in the tanning lotion. Talk to the salon consultant if the pain persists.


What is the maximum time per session?

The maximum time depends on the tanning device and your skin type. For example, the Ultrasun Q18 has a maximum session time of 15 minutes. However, this time could be shorter if you have a darker complexion, as this type of skin requires less time to tan. We advise that you ask the tanning consultant to see what machine and tanning time are best suited for your skin.


How many sessions do I need to have a base tan?

The average person requires about 3 to 5 sessions to develop a base tan using sunbeds. The exact number of sessions needed can vary depending on individual skin type and how quickly one's skin responds to UV exposure.


Ultrasun Tanning Devices


Your tanning devices are incredibly unique and upscale. How do I get to own an Ultrasun device?

Ultrasun International B.V. is currently offering qualified individuals and companies the opportunity to become distributors. This opportunity will allow you to expand with us and own a high-quality, outstanding device that will be second to none in your area.


If you would like to receive more information about becoming an Ultrasun distributor, please click here to fill out an information form. You can also browse our website to learn how Ultrasun distinguishes itself from other tanning machine manufacturers.


Why do some of your devices have high-pressure lamps?

The Ultrasun lay-down series has high-pressure lamps in the facial section. These give off a more intense ray for the more instant result.


How do the Ultrasun tanning devices work?

Your skin has melanocytes, which produce melanin, giving your skin its color. When you expose your skin to UV rays—such as from a tanning device—these melanocytes, in turn, produce more pigment as the radiation is absorbed to protect you from these rays. Therefore giving your skin a darker complexion.


What’s the difference between UV3 and UV4?

Ultrasun tanning devices come in two forms: UV3 for the European Union and UV4 for the rest of the world. The key difference between them is that, due to European Union regulations, tanning devices have to abide by stronger guidelines. However, countries outside the EU don’t have to follow these strict rules, so UV4 tanning has other requirements.


Why does Ultrasun promote “Responsible Tanning”?

In the last few years, there’s been a lot of negative news and biased research about tanning. However, like anything in life, you should do things in moderation, and tanning is one of them. That’s why we’ve come up with Responsible Tanning. This means taking in sufficient UV light to positively impact your mind and body, as tanning has more benefits than just giving your skin a healthy color.


What is “Recharge Yourself”?

When you lead a busy life, it’s easy for your energy levels to become unbalanced. That’s why you need to take a few moments for some “me time” to restore that energy. A natural way to do this is by experiencing the warmth and vitality of sunlight, which is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, just like getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and eating well.


Sunlight lifts your mood and makes you feel great. It gives you a boost of energy throughout the day and helps produce Vitamin D3. In fact, sunlight can have such a powerful effect on well-being that it inspired us to design some of the most innovative tanning devices in the world so that you can get your energy back—recharge Yourself—and continue with your busy life.


From relaxing lay-down beds that help you build up a healthy tan to the i-series stand-ups that give you the freedom to move and re-energize. All the while, you Recharge Yourself and enjoy some precious personal time. 


Can I turn the VibraPlate off?

When you step into an Ultrasun i8 or i9, the VibraPlate is ready to use, although it’s not activated by default. You have to turn it on and select your preferred intensity, duration, or one of the pre-set training programs. 


Can I use the VirbaPlate if I have an intrauterine device (IUD)?

You can use a tanning bed without any problem. However, we advise consulting a doctor before activating the VibraPlate.


What’s the price of an Ultrasun tanning device?

Ultrasun tanning devices are one-of-a-kind ultraviolet treatment machines. As a result, the prices for the machines depend on additional features, transport costs, local costs, and other charges. In addition, the prices for customers vary by beauty salons, spas, and gyms. You can request a quote for a desired machine.


Where can I get spare parts or manuals for the Ultrasun tanning devices?

The odds are that after a few years, you would need to replace a part of your tanning device or instructions on setting up a feature. To help you as quickly as possible, follow these steps:


Step 1: Find the model name and serial number of the device
The first step is to find out what device you have. That means you’ll need the model name and serial number. The model name is on the front right in the lower corner. You can find the serial number and model name on the grey sticker on the backside of the machine. See an example of both below:


article number machine example


Step 2: Contact Us
After you
find the model name and serial number, contact us. As soon as we receive the information, we will help you further.


What’s the average temperature during a tanning session?

The temperature depends on the surrounding room temperature and air circulation/ventilation options. Once you turn on the device, the lamps warm up between 30 and 36 degrees Celsius.


When should I change the lamps?

The Ultrasun Sunfit tanning lamps have an average useful life of 800 hours. However, with the Electronic Ballasts—which help to use electricity more efficiently—this can vary. Remember to use the original Ultrasun Sunfit lamps when changing the bulbs to ensure a high-quality tanning session.


Using a Tanning


Do I need a tanning lotion before I step inside a tanning device?

This is one of those indoor tanning questions that often come to mind. The short answer is that it isn’t necessary to have a fabulous tan. But if you have any doubts, ask the tanning consultant; they can help you further with these questions.


Nevertheless, sunscreen lotions are not recommended because they are designed for outdoor use and can permanently stain the tanning device. Also, if you stick to the maximum session time, you’ll not burn.


Should I wear protective goggles/eyewear when I use an Ultrasun device?

Yes! Protective eyewear is vital when tanning with an Ultrasun or other tanning devices. Your eyes are susceptible to UV light; even if you close your eyes, the UV light can still go through. The tanning salon consultant will provide protective tanning goggles that block 99% of the UV rays the machine gives off.


What should I do before I start a tanning session?

There are a few steps to guarantee that your skin better absorbs the UV rays that the device emits.

  1. Shower with warm water and a water-based soap. This will remove the excess body oil, dead skin skills, and other impurities
  2. Don’t wear makeup, scented body lotion, or any jewelry when you go in for your session. These can interfere with how effectively the device’s rays reach your skin and may result in uneven tan lines or make your skin sensitive to UV rays.


The consultant will let you know about any additional preparations you need to make before you come in.


Can I shower after a tanning session to help cool me down?

While a shower would feel great after a session, it’s always better to moisturize your skin right after your appointment.


If you shower right after, you run the risk of scrubbing away the skin cells that absorbed the UV rays; this can lead to a patchy or uneven tan. Instead, use an unscented moisturizer right after a session. This will cool and hydrate the skin but also help maintain your tan.

So, try not to shower until later that evening or, ideally, until the following day.

What should I wear in the tanning device?

Depending on which center or tanning salon you’re going to, you can wear a swimsuit, underwear, or nothing. It’s up to you to wear what makes you feel most comfortable.


How much time should I let pass for the next tanning session?

Waiting at least 48 hours before your next tanning session is generally recommended to ensure your skin has adequate time to recover and regenerate between sessions. This waiting period helps minimize the risk of overexposure, burning, and other skin damage while allowing your tan to develop consistently and safely. Some guidelines suggest a minimum of 24 hours between sessions, but waiting 48 hours is often advised for optimal skin health and tanning results. 


Should I wear sunscreen when I use a tanning device?

No. You shouldn’t wear sunscreen inside a tanning device because it’s designed for outdoor use and can permanently stain the machine.


Should I shower before and/or after using an Ultrasun tanning device?

You can take a shower before and after using an Ultrasun tanning device. Before you go to a tanning salon, be sure to exfoliate well and don’t apply lotions or makeup to your skin. This helps your skin better absorb the UV rays that the device emits. After the session, you can use a moisturizer to cool down.


If you shower right after a session, you run the risk of scrubbing away the skin cells that absorbed the UV rays, which can lead to a patchy or uneven tan. Instead, use an unscented moisturizer right after a session. This will cool and hydrate the skin but also help maintain your tan.


Can I get a tan with makeup on?

Yes, you can. But to achieve a beautiful glow, your skin should not be treated with lotions or makeup. These can block UV rays and give off an uneven, patchy tan. They can also make your skin sensitive to UV light.




How does skin type affect tanning results?

Your skin type decides how often and how long you need to tan. So, it would be best if you discussed it with a tanning salon professional to create a tanning schedule that works for you and that’s safe for your skin. In general, those with lighter skin tones need more and shorter sessions to tan, and those with darker tones will require fewer sessions as their skin tans more easily.


How long does it take to see results?

Tanning results depend on two factors: skin tone and machine type. People with lighter tones need more sessions to tan their skin without burning it. Those with a darker complexion will need fewer appointments, as their skin will tan more quickly. The type of device you use also affects tanning time. For instance, machines with more lamps and higher wattage require less time to tan.


Understanding your skin type and the guidance of the salon consultant can help you build a gorgeous tan and reduce the risk of burns.


What are the health benefits of tanning?

Tanning with an Ultrasun tanning bed offers many advantages, including a boost in Vitamin D levels, which leads to countless benefits. Here are a few of them:

  • Reduce heart and kidney disease
  • Increase Serotonin levels, the body’s natural Happy Hormone
  • Increase bone structure
  • Relieve pain
  • Help treat skin disorders, such as psoriasis and eczema


How do I maintain my tan?

Keeping your desired tan becomes much more manageable once you have achieved your desired tan. Depending on the Ultrasun device you choose and your skin tone, the frequency you need to tan to maintain your new tan will vary. You can ask the tanning consultant to guide you further in keeping your gorgeous tan.


Will tanning boost my Vitamin D levels?

Yes. It’s scientifically proven that tanning device rays boost Vitamin D levels. This increase comes from the UVB rays that tanning devices emit, which are similar to the sunshine that the sun provides.


Will tanning lighten my hair?

Tanning can lighten your hair, especially if you have light brown or blonde hair.


Can tanning whiten my teeth?

Tanning can’t whiten your teeth. Even though they make tooth whitening systems that utilize UV rays on your teeth, a tanning device will not work this way. It may appear your teeth are whiter, but this is due to your new darker complexion.


Can tanning treat eczema?

Several studies have found that UV rays from tanning devices can treat eczema. The UV rays penetrate the skin, stopping bacterial growth, which in turn slows the spread of the affected cells within. But before you start any new treatment, consult with your doctor first.


Can tanning help get rid of stretch marks?

Stretch marks are permanent scars caused by rapid skin stretching from obesity or during pregnancy. As a result, tanning can’t remove these scar tissues. But it can make them a bit less visible.


What can I expect after a tanning session?

After a session in an Ultrasun tanning bed, you’ll feel the Recharge Yourself experience: warm, relaxed, and energetic. You’ll have more than enough energy to do your daily tasks. But also have a calm mind and body. This comes in handy right after an intense workout or a hectic day at the office.


Later in the day, you will notice the physical results: a beautiful, glowing tan that is the epitome of health and beauty.


Can I tan over my tattoos?

Yes! You can have a gorgeous tan while being mindful of your tattoos. However, protecting the tattooed areas from UV exposure is very important. Before your session, ensure any recent tattoos are completely healed. If you’re unsure, talk to the tattoo artist and ask them if your body art is healed enough to visit a tanning studio. But if your tattoo isn’t ready and you still want a tan, please ask the artist or salon consultant how to protect your art from UV exposure.


On the other hand, healed and older tattoos can be tanned by applying a high SPF lotion to the tattooed area before a session. If you don’t, your ink may fade over time. So, be sure to protect your body art with sunblock so its colors stay as vibrant as your tan.


Why did my skin turn red after the first session?

Due to the warm temperature during a session, blood rushes to the surface of your skin, just as when you exercise. After a couple of minutes, the redness goes away as the body cools down again.


Are there any adverse side effects from tanning?

Unfortunately, there is a lot of negative and biased news about tanning. However, like everything in life, you should do things in moderation; that also counts for tanning. When you tan responsibly, you will enjoy the benefits that an ultraviolet device offers, such as a boost in Vitamin D and Happy Hormone levels.